Friday, 27 December 2013

Indie's First Birthday Party and Cake Smash

Little Indie had a lot to celebrate, not only was it nearly Christmas it was also her first birthday and she was having a party.  With her 3 little cousins we had a small Portrait Shoot, with fairy wings and Christmas outfits, plus the obligatory baby bricks, all girls being very cute and great to photograph.  Too finish off Indie had her own cup cake to demolish, she loved it and made a grand mess.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Double Trouble with Isaac & James

Isaac & James are the cousins of Annabelle & Evie who I also photographed, they are on the previous blog.  Again those baby bricks were in use, £10 from Toys are us, best £10 I have spent on photography props.  They loved them, but not sure about whether they loved having their photograph taken, especially James who is rather shy.  But once we got Dad involved with a bit of tom foolery they had fun and we got some great shots.  Double Trouble indeed....................

Meet Annabelle & Evie

On the back of a new born baby portrait I did a month or so, I got some portrait bookings, one was with lovely Annabelle and Evie, again with the baby bricks which make a great toy and also a superb prop. These are two lovely little girls, very well behaved and even their dog got in on the act.  Evie was a perfect little model really enjoying on centre stage - well my background.  Annabelle had fun as well.

Olivia Iris - fun with the Baby Bricks

Olivia Iris with the very cheeky smile is just over one year old and I had photographed her earlier on this year when she was just a baby.  Now she is a lovely little girl ready to start toddling, she loved having her photograph taken along with her mum and dad.  Dad always makes out that he does not like his photograph taking, but always manages to steel the show.  Anyway my baby bricks always seem to go down well when photographing toddlers and small children.